Thursday, November 13, 2008


One night in the car as Peter and I were heading to small group we had a conversation about being thankful and what we were thankful for. Peter when asked what he was thankful has several times given thanks for body parts: toes, nose, foot. When adults are asked what they are thankful for I think we are conditioned to say certain things; house, job, family, etc. But sometimes we aren't thankful for those things we just know we should be. I'm thankful for coffee and for flexible hours at work so I can sleep in some mornings. I'm thankful for the rain, so that when the sun shines I think of God.

I want to be thankful more. Not thankful for things I 'should' be (although thats important) but thankful for the things that no one notices or that go unthanked. My husband leaving my lamp on when he goes to bed before me. My son wanting 1 last hug and kiss before I go out the door. I heard on the radio today that its the little things that matter--actually I think it might have been a sound that got me thinking. Check out "Chicken Fried" by Zac Brown Band.

And its true but what is also true for me is that I get so caught up in the big picture that I hardly ever enjoy the small things. They are just more details for me to remember or more things to go wrong.

And all of this, these and those....they are stealing my joy and dang it I want it back. But like most things in life I must fight for it. Fight against the worry and the stress. And I must focus on the present. I'm not sure where my dreams fit in all this because I do have dreams--big ones. But it can't be all about the dreams. Cause then I'm just a dreamer.

Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me."

I want to be someone who is sent (and goes) not a dreamer.


Unknown said...

Good post...thanks for making me think!

Sarah Lewie said...

Just so you know, that "Chicken Fried" song is my favorite song on the radio right now. I could be (and well, have been) in the middle of a tear-fest, heard that song and started laughing because of how happy it makes me. Weird, yes. But all that to say, thanks for referencing it. =)
See ya Sunday!